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HipVap Case Calculations

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GHG Reduction Comparison


This document provides background information on how the emission reduction figures related to the HipVap technology were calculated. Results show a 71% and 81% reduction in CO2 emissions associated with unproductive energy input into the system vs. the two incumbent technologies.   


Basis of CO2 reduction calculation:

The WLS + OTSG process data used was based on publicly available information for a typical system with a sizing basis of 33,000 BPD of bitumen production and an SOR of 3 m3/m3. The Evaporator + Drum Boiler process data used was based on Scovan’s detailed experience with this type of facility.

The calculations are based on energy input into the water streams that are not directly related to converting it into useful high-pressure steam. In other words, if a water stream has had its temperature increased and/or its pressure increased but has not been converted into steam, that energy is considered wasted or in excess of what is required to turn it into steam. Similarly, if a water stream has had its pressure and/or temperature reduced and then that process is reversed, the loss in energy is considered wasted energy.

The inefficiencies were placed in two categories: excess gas burned, and additional electrical power consumed. The excess gas burned refers to lost heat which requires combustion of fuel gas to create.

The following inefficiencies were considered for each technology:     


Excess Gas Burned

  1. Hot blowdown fluid that is sent to disposal.
  2. The portion of heat rejected to the cooling glycol system that is not recovered.

Additional Electrical Power Consumed

  1. The pressure difference lost when dropping the pressure of the produced water from the Oil Treating pressure to the Water Treating pressure.
  2. Moving the water through the water treatment process.
  3. The pressure energy consumed when recycling the extra water not converted into steam.
Evaporator + Drum Boiler Case

Excess Gas Burned

  1. Hot blowdown fluid that is sent to disposal.
  2. The portion of heat rejected to the cooling glycol system that is not recovered.

Additional Electrical Power Consumed

  1. The pressure difference lost when dropping the pressure of the produced water from the Oil Treating pressure to the Water Treating pressure.
  2. Moving the water through the water treatment process.
  3. The pressure energy consumed when recycling the extra water not converted into steam.
HipVap (IFSG) Case

Excess Gas Burned

  1. Hot blowdown fluid that is sent to disposal.

Additional Electric Power Consumed

  1. Thermal fluid circulation.
  2. The recirculation of the Steam Separator liquid stream.