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By Patrick Perera, P. Eng, Project Engineer, Scovan

Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) is a widely embraced technique for heavy oil extraction in Canadian heavy oil assets. However, the efficacy of this method heavily depends on water availability. In light of escalating concerns regarding water scarcity and environmental sustainability, the integration of advanced technologies for oil extraction becomes imperative. This article delves into the pivotal role of Reverse Osmosis (RO) in providing makeup water for SAGD operations and explores the innovative HipVap and Orsil technologies as complementary solutions aimed at reducing water usage.

The Water Challenge in Oilsands Operations
Water availability is a perpetual concern, and as thermal operations seek expansion, the judicious use of this invaluable resource becomes even more critical. The report “Facts About Water in Alberta” highlights challenges in the province’s water supply due to climate change, population growth, and industrial demand. According to the Alberta Water Portal Society, 21% of the population relies on groundwater for drinking. Given this context, it is imperative for oil-producing companies to adopt sustainable practices that minimize water consumption while maximizing oil recovery.

Embracing the Brackish Water Renaissance
Reverse Osmosis technology emerges as a crucial player in SAGD oil production, offering an efficient means to treat and purify brackish water, supplementing produced water in steam generation. Through RO, thermal operations can exclusively rely on subsurface brackish aquifers that, without treatment, are unfit for various industrial applications, thereby enhancing the industry’s environmental sustainability and its impact on water conservation.

The Scaling Solution
RO operates by utilizing a semi-permeable membrane to eliminate impurities, salts, and contaminants from water, generating high-quality, low-TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) water suitable for steam production. By treating brackish water before entering steam generators, RO mitigates scaling and fouling, enhancing efficiency and prolonging the lifespan of steam generation facilities.

Sustainable Operations Through Synergy
The integration of a brackish water RO system with Scovan’s proprietary produced water technologies, such as HipVap and ORSIL, proves to be a clever and cost-effective approach for thermal operators to enhance their environmental stewardship.

Efficiency Economics
By leveraging untreated produced water, HipVap’s steam generation technology reduces the complexity and space required for traditional equipment, producing SAGD quality steam. ORSIL’s on-site blowdown
technology allows operators to increase water recycling and reduce disposal volumes by concentrating on an off-site landfill-safe byproduct, reducing the number of off-site trucking loads.

Navigating Regulatory Waters
RO technology facilitates the use of brackish groundwater, minimizing the draw from near-surface freshwater aquifers and surface water, allowing operations to stay economically within source water limits. The use of RO, coupled with advanced technologies like HipVap and ORSIL, demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices that align with the growing environmental consciousness in Canada and beyond.

Originally published in Scovan’s IGNITE Vol. 7.