Past Work – Case Studies
Fluor Fort Hills
Module Assembly for Fort Hills Energy LP Utilities Project
Assembly, E&I and Insulation of seventeen (17) Modules
- Project Start: February 2016
- Project Completion: August 2016
- Duration: 7 Months
- Safety @ Completion: 0 TRIF/0 LTI/0 Medical/2 Property Damage/1 Near Miss
- Weld Repair @ Completion: 1.89%
- Total FDI: *Tie in welds only (supplied spools) 6887 FDI
- Total LM Pipe: 2825 LM
- Total KGs Steel: 746,577 KGS
- Total EHT: 3546 LM
- Total Cable: 6380 LM (1263 LM tray)
- Total Insulation: 2125 LM, 8 Pieces of Equipment (vessels), Soft Covers